Men’s League
Registration for 2025 Season for returning league players ends mARCH 31ST
2024 Men’s League Payouts for
Wednesday August 28th (FINAL NIGHT)
Proximity Contest: |
#3 Tanner Pauls |
$10 |
#7 Kameron High |
$10 |
#13 Jason Laub | $10 |
#17 Travis Powell | $10 |
31 – 1st Frank Stucky/Joey Jackson |
$14.16 each |
31 – 1st Tom Richardson/Larry Floyd |
$14.16 each |
31 – 1st Cliff and Craig Bailey | $14.16 each |
31 – 1st Doug and Tanner Pauls | $14.16 each |
36 – 1st Brandon Webb/Todd Miller |
$8.09 each |
36 – 1st Vince Sarinana/Preston Burke |
$8.09 each |
36 – 1st Tim and Dylan Porter | $8.09 each |
36 – 1st Joe Eickman/Steve Clausel | $8.09 each |
36 – 1st Ben Mabry/Luke Simmering | $8.09 each |
36 – 1st Travis Gihring/David Winter | $8.09 each |
36 – 1st Brent Ediger/Brian Robertson | $8.09 each |
39 – 1st Dennis Alexander/Jim Coffey |
$18.88 each |
39 – 1st Mike Canady/Rich Simon |
$18.88 each |
39 – 1st Kevin Staley/Shawn Hege | $18.88 each |
Back Nine
31 – 1st Mark Boston/Bryce Buller |
$28.33 each |
32 – 2nd Matt Koontz/Jason Laub |
$14.16 each |
32 – 2nd Erick Erwin/Jim McKain |
$14.16 each
36 – 1st Brent Coffman/John Roberts |
$18.88 each |
36 – 1st John and Donnie Kingsley |
$18.88 each |
36 – 1st Jim Flickinger/Bob Gillispie | $18.88 each |
40 – 1st Dave Despard/Jon Lewman |
$14.16 each |
40 – 1st Randy Huijing/Doug Hague |
$14.16 each |
40 – 1st Rod Hartshorn/John Oberlechner | $14.16 each |
40 – 1st Chris Wedel/Joe Jolliff | $14.16 each |
Pairings for Week 18, August 28th
These pairings are auto generated through Golf Genius and will change each week
Hole |
9B | Sean Kelly/Nathan Briar |
13B |
Bill Charlsen/Brandon Charlsen |
14A | Bob Gillispie/Jim Flickinger |
10B | Lance Claasen/Travis Rose |
16A |
Bob Runge/Dane Lawrence |
12B | Brady Coffman/Logan Glock |
12A |
Jack Kelly/Bruce Snelling |
12B | Bryce Buller/Mark Boston |
14B | Steve Roecker/Brad Cooper |
11B |
Dave Despard/Jon Lewin |
15B |
David Briar/Carl Hagman |
18B |
Duane Jones/Doug Nyman |
18A | Gary Hill/Rick Wray |
10A | Jack Sims/Jack Warkentine |
17B |
John Kingsley/Donnie Kingsley |
10A | John Roberts/Brent Coffman |
14A | Josh Gillispie/Steve Ratzlaff |
17B |
Ken Blank/Matt Becker |
13A | Sean Porter/Dave Oller |
12A | Kirk Kelly/Larry Siemens |
11A |
Dave Pendry/Steve Rusche |
11B | Erick Erwin/Jim McKain |
11A | Matt Koontz/Jason Laub |
15A |
Mike Hyatt/Christian Chappell |
15A | Jerry Gaede/Dan Zerger |
13B | Patrick Charlsen/Brian Runge |
16B | Randy Hujing/Doug Hague |
16A | Rick Altum/Ed Laswell |
8B | Larry Sadd/John Robinson |
15B | Rod Hartshorn/John Oberlechner |
16B | Ron Lang/Dave Bean |
17A | Rusty Joliff/Randy Tolle |
18A | Ryan Dirks/Tim Dirks |
14B | Don Herman/Rick Finney |
3A | James Torres/Austin Cooper |
13A | Tony Jaso/Dave Morrison |
Hole |
5B | Ben Mabry/Luke Simmering |
8A |
Duane Yoder/Jim Yoder |
4A | Brant Benninga/Maurice Benninga |
6A | Brian Robertson/Brent Ediger |
1B |
Charles Craig/Rick Glover |
18B | Mike Lowry/Brian Lowry |
5A |
Eric Kendrick/Derick Botterwick |
4B | Dave Richards/John Enslow |
4A | Dean Davis/Jim Werries |
9A |
Dennis Alexander/Jim Coffey |
5B |
Mickey Shreves/Kameron High |
2B |
Kevin Allsbury/Noah McLaughlin |
4B | Frank Stucky/Joey Jackson |
2A | Greg Samuels/Jeff Jones |
6B |
Tim Porter/Dylan Porter |
6A | Avi Babu/Casey Schoonover |
8B | Larry Floyd/Tom Richardson |
1B |
Joe Eickman/Steve Clausel |
5A | Kris Wondra/Terry Kendrick |
2A | Boyd Valentine/Alex Byrd |
2B |
Brandon Webb/Todd Miller |
9B | Travis Gihring/David Winter |
8A | Rocky Lamar/John Nickel |
7B |
Ralph Shue/Brian Shue |
3B | Matt Davis/Adam Stewart |
7A | Richard Simon/Mike Canady |
7B | Cliff Bailey/Craig Bailey |
1A | Russ Banta/Rick Freeman |
7A | Sam Simon/Dan Whorton |
17A | Chris Wedel/Joey Joliff |
6B | Doug Pauls/Lane Pauls |
1A | Shawn Hege/Kevin Staley |
9A | Todd Loescher/Barrett Jones |
3B | Gregg Dick/Kyle Belvin |
10B | Travis Powell/Jeremy Jensen |
3A | Vince Sarinana/Preston Burke |
Men from WHITES 65-74 from GOLDS 75+ from the REDS |
3 – Closest to the Pin |
7 – Closest to the Pin |
13 – Closest to the Pin | |
17 – Closest to the Pin |
Men’s League members are to pay the full $145.00 entry fee before close of business on March 31st. This fee includes the $25 entry fee, $90 prize fund, and $30 Hole-In-One fee. This is to guarantee your spot in the 2025 Men’s League. In order to validate your spot in the League, both players on each team must have paid. On April 1st, any remaining spots for teams will be filled according to our waitlist.
As a reminder, all players (non-pass holders) must fill out a Prepay form. The form will secure that weekly payments are met; however, if any players wish to pay at the counter either with cash, or another credit card other than the one provided on your pre-pay form, this will be allowed. If either payment options are not recognized in the Pro Shop, your card on file will be charged the $21. We do understand that committing to 18 weeks is a lofty goal; therefore, if you plan on having a Substitute play in your place, please inform the Pro Shop at least 24 hours prior. In addition, if any pass-holder uses a non-member in their place, the Substitute must pay the $21 fee. Pass-holder agreements do not entitle rounds to be transferred clearly stated in our pass-holder contract.
2025 Formats:
Formats for the 2025 season will hopefully provide a fun and competitive environment; yet keeping pace of play flowing. There will be three formats:
1) Red-White-Blue, 2) Scramble, and 3) alternating between Putter and 3-Clubs, Irons & Hybrids ONLY, and Shamble (The “2-putt” rule will be in effect for the entire season).
( Men will play from the WHITES, 65 to 74 will play from the GOLDS, and 75 and older from the REDS )
Format rules
- Red-White-Blue: (2-man scramble, play holes 1-3 (10-12) from the red tee’s, play holes 4-6 (13-15) from the white tees, and 7-9 (16-18) from the blue tees).
- 2-Man Scramble: (self-explanatory, both players play from the best shot until holed).
- Putter and 3-Club: (Each player can pick 3 clubs of their choice plus their putter to use for the entire round. You are only allowed to use the three clubs of your choice and cannot share with your partner on the clubs they have chosen. Tees are still white and gold).
- Irons and Hybrids Only: Players are only allowed to use irons and hybrids for the entire round. No 3 or 5 woods, etc.
- Shamble: Both players tee off and players pick best tee shot to play from and both players play in from there.
2025 Hole in One Payouts:
The Hole in One Payouts is a progressive format. The deeper into the season a hole in on is made, the bigger the payout. Example, if someone makes a hole in one during week 1, they total payout is $144 (one dollar per league member). If someone makes a hole in one in week 5 with no recorded hole in one in the previous weeks, the total payout would be $720 (144 players at one dollar per week times five $144×5=$720). Any residual money left in the hole in one account typically is given to a local charity or course improvements. This is voted upon at the Fall Meeting/Steak Feed.
Post Season Play:
After the Men’s League season is finished, we will honor the $21 rate on Wednesday evenings only, after 5:00pm for the remainder of the year. This is a nine-hole rate that will only apply on Wednesday and after 5:00pm. The rate only applies to Men’s League Players who paid the $145 entry fee.